06 Sep September Program: Plein Air Painting w/ Patricia Rose Ford
Tuesday, September 23 @ 7:00 PM
The Redlands Art Association is pleased to have Patricia Rose Ford as the guest artist on Tuesday, September 23rd, at 7:00 PM. “Pat,” as many know her, is a plein air, soft pastel painter who spends much of her time traveling. She does not travel as an ordinary tourist, but as an artist, recording and expressing the emotional impact of being a part of magnificent landscapes in the great outdoors. She loves nature and enjoys observing and capturing, with her soft pastels, the changing effect that light has on the subject. Continually, she is creating stunning compositions with luminous light reflections. (A great body of her work can be viewed on her website, www.patriciaroseford.com). Trips to southwestern deserts and coastlines, as well as wonderful worldwide sites, stimulate her passion to paint.
Creating art is something Pat has always enjoyed. In college she majored in Social Work and minored in Fine Art, then selected a career as a social worker. In 2003, after 25 years as a social worker, as well as fulfilling most family obligations, she retired and followed her dream of creating art full time.
Becoming an extremely accomplished artist, Pat has exhibited in local and national juried shows throughout the United States. Also, she has been honored with many awards and recognitions at these exhibits.
Professional organizations that she is a member of include: Women Artists of the West – signature member, Pastel Society of the West Coast – signature member, Laguna Plein Air Painters Association, Plein Air Painters of New Mexico, Pastel Society of Southern California, United Society of Pastel Artists and Pastel Society of New Mexico. She is affiliated with the Purple Sage Galleria in Old Town Albuquerque.
During the Tuesday evening program, Pat will talk about her travels as a plein air painter, how she prepares for her trips and organizes her materials for working on location. She will share some of her pastel paintings and do a demonstration emphasizing important aspects of creating a successful painting.
All are invited to come and enjoy this program.
The Tuesday evening program is free to RAA members and $3 to non-members.