10 Sep September 2017
I’m sure we will all be breathing a sigh of relief as we head into cooler days, and let’s be thankful that no fires or floods are surrounding us and spare some thoughts for those affected.
August has been a very lively month in the gallery and, even though we were closed for a week for the refurbish, our sales have been strong. (Please read about our stalwart refurbish volunteers in Behind the Scenes this month)
We reopened the gallery August 11th for our take-in, while the carpet was still being hung on the walls! However, it all came together on Sunday 13th when we had a joint reception for our gallery show and the talented young guest artists, Jen Nguyen and Alex Torres. We had a really nice crowd in the gallery with, of course, many comments about the new look.
During the following week we also featured Art from The Archives for sale in the main gallery, where we had a wide variety of art available. A wonderful opportunity to buy great art by some of our former members and other artists.
A week later our very own Sandy Davies showed her watercolors and Judith Sparhawk her photography, as our guest artists. Sandy’s husband Bill drew a crowd by parking their Austin Healey outside and telling tales of their adventures in it while he poured the wine. We think it should be there for every show! Another lively crowd filled the galleries and there may never have been such a big attendance before.
You can look forward to seeing the amazing water colors of Joanna Mersereau as out guest this month as well our gallery show Wild Wild West. The reception for both will be Sept. 16th. at 4.30. There is a plan afoot to have music at receptions; I hope it works.
Finally, don’t forget the film series begins on Sept.19.
I hope to see you at an event.
Maggie Macro