06 Sep September 2014
Welcome to the RAA September newsletter. They’ve let me, Liz, the Historian, out of the cupboard this month; not to beg and plead for artists’ bios, or snippets of historical news, but to welcome you to Fall at RAA. For me, growing up in Britain, it’s a month I associate with family blackberry picking and picnics, making blackberry jelly and blackberry and apple pies.
As a member of RAA and the Historian it’s wonderful to see our 50 year celebrations gathering momentum. In November 2013 the 1st Annual Tea Party, took place at the gallery with over 40 members, including founding members and a brand new member. The2nd Annual Tea Party is planned for this November. A marketing committee was created and their input is appearing in the gallery in all sorts of ways. The rebranding of RAA has led to a freshly painted outside, the “R” on the wall outside the gallery door, a new welcome sign on the door, headed paper and matching envelopes will be arriving shortly and celebratory t-shirts and mugs are available for sale in the gallery.
I’ve been tidying the historian’s cupboard and finding wonderful treasures about our 50 years. Jill O’Dwyer , one of our gallery coordinators suggested we digitize our scrapbooks, making them accessible to all eventually, and kindly offered to scan in the numerous pages and newspaper clippings with the help of docents.
As an artist I know we are heading into the Fall art show season and for the RAA, it’s the gallery’s busiest time of the year, with people popping in to find that special something to give as a gift to a friend or family member. Thankfully, the Gallery coordinators and docents ring the artists to tell of us of our sales so that we can bring in another piece of art and the gallery always looks full.
One more exciting piece of news, Art on State Street has been moved up to 26th October to tie in with the Redlands Art Walk this year. The Redlands Art Walk is becoming a regular spot on the town’s calendar and it’s great that we can participate in this event.
Happy making everyone, oh and please keep those artists bios coming in with a few business cards, plus any snippets of news about the Redlands Art Association because it will find a home in the gallery.
Liz Coviello, Historian in the Cupboard.