Program Speakers

RAA hosts guest artist speakers every 4th Tuesday of each month September—May from 7-9pm. The public is welcome—free of charge.

We’re looking for new Presenters for the next series.

Please call us at 909-792-8435 with your suggestions! Thank you.

Color in Painting: History, Classification Systems, Symolism, and Artists’ Thoughts By Prof. Linda Kay Zoeckler, M.A., M.L.S. Tuesday, September 25, at 7pm What is the most exciting, creative, and fun element of painting? Many artists would answer color. Please join us Tuesday, September 25 at 7 pm at...

May Program: The Painted Window:  A History of Stained Glass, Presented by Jeffery Hitch of Vitraux Studios Tuesday May 22nd at 7 pm at the Redlands Art Association In this presentation Jeffrey will take you through the thousand-year history of stained glass. We will briefly review how this art...

April Program Tuesday, April 24, 2018 presented  by Elin Thomas Programs are Free and open to all members of the public This program will focus on shipping, jurying and a general overview of how to choose which shows to enter and why. Anyone interested in the greater world...

March 27th at 7pm Cindy Jones Lantier will speak about the art of soap making . Cindy Jones Lantier, of The Eclectic Soul and Soap's On, is an experienced soap maker and educator, after creating almost 200 pounds of soap. She enjoys not only the creative aspects...

Color in Painting: History, Classification Systems, Symolism, and Artists’ Thoughts By Prof. Linda Kay Zoeckler, M.A., M.L.S. Tuesday, September 25, at 7pm What is the most exciting, creative, and fun element of painting? Many artists would answer color. Please join us Tuesday, September 25 at 7 pm at...

REDLANDS ART ASSOCIATION PROGRAM FEBRUARY 27, 2018  COLOR IN PAINTING: HISTORY, CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS, SYMBOLISM, AND ARTISTS’ THOUGHTS By Prof. Linda Kay Zoeckler, M.A., M.L.S. What is the most exciting, creative, and fun element of painting?  Many artists would answer color, though others would reply line, subject matter, etc. Please...

Tuesday, Jan 23. at 7 pm Pat Rose Ford will be our January program speaker. She’ll talk about painting with pastels and her adventures in plein air pastel. Artist Bio: As a landscape painter, I love the great outdoors, particularly the scenes of the southwestern deserts and coastlines. ...

‘Universal Painting Techniques’  presented by Joe A Oakes Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 @ 7:00pm Tuesday Evening Programs are Free and open to all. Joe A. Oakes was born in Chicago and moved to Southern California in 1992. He received his BFA from California State University Fullerton in 1997. He...

presented by Joe A Oakes Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 @ 7:00pm Joe A. Oakes was born in Chicago and moved to Southern California in 1992. He received his BFA from California State University Fullerton in 1997. He worked for several years as a graphic designer before launching...

From Studio Art to Social Art, by Danielle Giudici Wallis Tuesday, October 24th, 2017 @ 7:00pm The Tuesday Program is Free and open to the public. Danielle Giudici Wallis will be presenting an overview of her work beginning with her early sculptural metalwork, and discussing the transition to more...