President’s Message

Best Wishes to all of you for a wonderful and productive 2012.

There have been quite a few changes at RAA throughout the past year and I would like to personally thank each and every member for the support and patience shown to those of us who serve on the operating committee. We don’t always get it right, but we do try! I would also like to thank all of our tireless volunteers who work toward making the gallery a better place to be.

Coming up soon – Photography Show in the East Gallery – Take-In: Saturday, February 4, 12-3. Entry forms and details in gallery. Our annual juried show, the Multi-Media Mini show, take-in is Sunday, February 26. Prospectus mailing is going out this week and will also be available in the gallery.

Membership dues for 2012 are due now. Renew on-line, in the gallery or by mail.

And as always, volunteers are needed to help in the sales gallery, to help maintain computer listings, and future open positions include education, hospitality, and attendant coordinator. If you are interested in one of these positions or would consider other volunteer work please contact Tia Shira or Gail Brownfield.

Dance the Days!