President’s Message

In the January Newsletter President Gail reported on our successful Board of Directors and leaders workshop that was held last December.  Copies of the excellent report produced by our consultants Linda and Milan Hamilton will be available in the gallery in the next week should you like to review the entire document.  The span of the planning period reaches forward for the coming five years but the most important achievable items have been set for the coming year.  These goals are listed below and some of you will be enlisted to help us accomplish them as the year progresses.

  • New brand identity in place
  • Marketing plan in place for classes, special events and brand identity/visibility
  • One young person (under 25) added to Board with structure to continue
  • Procedure manuals for key leadership positions developed
  • Juried youth art show scheduled for 2015
  • Adult juried show scheduled for 2014 or 2015
  • Member recruitment and management program developed, including membership categories
  • Mini show funded by local businesses
  • All members “friended” on Facebook
  • Links to member websites included on RAA website
  • Expanded e-mail blast list in use
  • All fees reviewed and updated
  • $300-$500,000 pledged for capital campaign (12-18mo)

Gail, Vice President Tony and I have been assigned the responsibility of overseeing the progress we make in achieving these goals.  If you have any questions about these goals or the overall strategic plan, please feel free to contact any one of the three of us.

Larry Harvill, Board Chairman