14 Jan January 2018
Two days of rain and I find myself wanting to curl up and hibernate, but the work of RAA and the gallery continues! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays, however you celebrated; mine were rather extended and actually are still incomplete.
I am pleased to say the gallery sales are continuing to climb with particularly successful seasonal sales with the tree ornaments being a star.
We have our next take in on Friday Jan. 12th. and I hope to see the walls and shelves as busy as ever because this show, Follow Your Heart, encompasses Valentines Day.
The reception, on Saturday January 20th at 4pm, will be combined with our featured artist David Farrington. Please do come and join us to celebrate art and artists.
On January 23rd. we begin our monthly programs this year with a talk and demonstration of pastels by accomplished artist Patricia Rose Ford, followed closely by our major social event of the year, the annual Tea Party on Sat. Jan 28th. Please do join us for nothing but fun!
Sadly, December saw the passing of one of our long time members and born artist Joanna Mersereau. Her memorial was held on January 6th. and I hear it befitted her status. You will read more about this further on in the newsletter.
Soon we will be presenting our spring film series to benefit the MCAEEF foundation. I’m sure the line up will be as diverse as ever. I hope to see you at one of these events. YOUR participation is very important to the life of RAA. We are the ones that make it happen and thrive.
Maggie Macro, RAA President