President’s Message

April is here, and with it comes our always-beautiful Floral Show. I guess we just love creating flowers in our art work—how can we resist the beauty, colors and variety of all the blooms out there in the world. Whether it’s wildflowers on the hillside, or the cultivated gardens all around us, they just call to us with our paint brushes and cameras.

As usual for our Floral Show, on the weekend of April 17th and 18th, we will have beautiful arrangements from some of our local florists, inspired by our artwork. We will hold open house hours on that Saturday and Sunday for the Horticultural Society’s Garden Tour participants. Refreshments will be served. Sign up to host the open house those days, or bring refreshments for our guests. Saturday, 2-6 pm, Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm.

Looking forward, RAA’s Annual Dinner Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm, at the Redlands United Church of Christ, 168 Bellevue Avenue. For more information, see the article in this newsletter. Sign-up for this great potluck dinner in the gallery!

So, let’s come to the gallery and walk in the flowers….

Judith Sparhawk