12 Nov November 2017
Finally the weather and the clocks have changed to herald our southern California winter, which would probably be like summer for some parts of the world.
This last month has seen a flurry of activity in our local art world. It began with a lively reception for Bruce Herwig’s photography, at the gallery, followed the next week end by the amazing show Art For Heaven’s Sake at The United Church of Christ in Redlands, which featured many of our artists, some long standing, some for the first time. The weather was good and, I’m told, so were sales.
Mid month was take in for our current show Autumn Gold and the gallery is once again brimming with wonderful and varied art to suit all tastes and pockets. It is a challenge to find suitable places for all of it sometimes but our valiant hanging team manages it every time. Art on State Street happened this month too and was a great success.
Halloween was celebrated again by our “Come as your favorite dead artist” party and as I was unable to attend I await a report.
Then on Sunday our new featured artists, Diana McLaughlin and Casey Rideout held a busy, well attended reception for their oils and photography, many of my former home, The Central Coast. From what I saw sales were brisk and Judith had not a moment to herself. At the same time our guest artist, Karen Clark was present to talk about her water colors in photo realism style. You have until Nov. 11 to see this wonderful work.
Of course, there have also been two stunning films in our MCAEEF series at the former Krikorian. I am told that the new owners of the cinemas complex will still welcome us there, altho there will be fewer seats in each auditorium. We have yet to see how we will be affected by this.
We also had a fascinating program by Danielle Wallis entitled Studio Art to Social Art which was enjoyed by too few of us. It was in competition with several other big events. Our new Program chair, Helen Leason is working hard to secure interesting speakers so please come out on the fourth Tuesday of the month to join us at these fascinating talks.
The month has not been without its adventures which will be covered in Behind The Scenes. So meanwhile, enjoy preparing for our last show of the year, All That Glitters, take in on December 2nd., and any other show in which you will be participating this busy holiday season.
I wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Maggie Macro, RAA President