03 Mar March 2016
It appears that spring is on its way leaving some of us wondering where winter went and the rain we were promised. Nevertheless it is an inspiring time of year. What wonderful blossoms are appearing on the trees. Certainly time to get creative along with Mother Nature.
My creativity has led me to register for the clay class beginning on March 14th. and I can’t wait to get my hands into it again. There are some spots left. Come join me!
Before that though a major event will be happening; our juried Multi Media Mini show, open to anyone is beginning with take in on Sunday March 6th. The reception is on March 11 at 5pm, followed by awards on 13th at 1pm.
Please check the calendar for other events and classes throughout March., there’s always something exciting going on.
That is actually not my photo at the top of the page. This is Maggie Macro standing in for Liz, but not for much longer. She will be back soon with tales of the homeland (mine too you see).
Happy Spring to you all and see you round the gallery!
Maggie Macro, RAA Vice-President