10 Feb February 2020
It’s already February and the Art Association is off to a good start and I hope you are, too.
RAA offers plenty of classes and opportunities to learn new skills. Even though I work primarily in clay, I signed up for a beginning drawing class which is simultaneously humbling and rewarding. If I can do it, so can you.
We had the best January on record for net art sales thanks to two major events:
Smiley Library purchased 13 pieces of art from the Redlands Art Association for its new artwork lending library. The artwork will be available for library patrons to borrow for several weeks at a time.
The Attic Art sale had its opening night on January 30th. We had a good crowd, the food and music was excellent and the donations and art sales were brisk. With more than 400 pieces of donated art — many from private collections — the sheer number of available artwork was overwhelming. Our gratitude to Shirley Harry and the Festival of Art for partnering with us to make this year’s sale another success.
Our next major event is the Multi Media Mini Show on February 20 – March 13. Be sure to bring your work in on February 16. You can submit up to three 3D or 2D pieces in any medium: photography, jewelry, paintings, ceramics, glass, wood, fiber, etc!
In other news, RAA’s Board of Directors has agreed to fund development of a new website. Candy Glendening, newsletter and web master, has done a heroic job of keeping it patched together but our site has come to the end of its functional lifespan. We hope to have a new site up by June.
Keep creating,