11 Feb February 2018
As usual our first month of the year has seen much activity in the gallery. The take-in for “Follow Your Heart” show on January 12th was also an opportunity to renew your membership. And if you have not done that yet, please come into the gallery to do so. Turn out for the show was as brisk as ever because it continues over Valentine’s Day; always a good time for sales!
The joint reception on January 20th featured David Farrington as featured artist and was lively and very well attended. It is so wonderful to see the gallery being enjoyed by so many people.
Then on Jan 23rd our program organizer, Helen Leason, presented Patricia Rose Ford, who spoke about plein air painting and then demonstrated pastel painting. This event was also well attended.
The annual tea party took place on January 28th., presided over by Liz Coviello. Originally this event was to mark our 50th anniversary but it is so popular that Liz is asked about it every year now, and so she makes it happen. Thank you Liz!! As you can see there was a great spread with two kinds of tea in some beautiful tea pots! Attendees enjoyed the chance to chat without there being any work involved.
Soon we will be gearing up for our juried Mini Multi Media show so be getting your entries ready and be sure they measure no more than fourteen and a half inches in any direction. Sunday February 18th. is the date for your calendar. See you there!
Maggie Macro, RAA President