RAA News

Great News from Redlands Cinema Classic Louie Schwartzberg - award-winning cinematographer, director and producer of the beautiful  documentary Wings of Life for DisneyNature (whom we met on Earth Day last year at that screening) - has created a 15 minute film short for the Spring 2014...

A MCAEEF Minute Hello, everyone from your Margaret Clark Art Education Enrichment Fund committee. What a mouthful, good thing we can just call it MCAEEF committee. We held our monthly meeting today (Feb.5) and discussed many issues. As you know, our focus is to help carry...

Time To Renew! It's that time of year, it's time to renew your RAA Membership! This year we've made it even easier to renew by adding a form to our website that allows you to type in your information and then pay for the membership with...

A tea party to start our 50th anniversary celebrations Sunday 17th November from 3-5 pm at the gallery. It would be great if you would like to bring finger food and sandwiches. Cake will be provided. A sign up sheet will be in the gallery...

Late addition: Ceramics Workshop with Raul Acero Raul Acero, professor of art at the University of Redlands will be giving a ceramics workshop this summer. Dates are: May 13 to May 20th. Beginners welcome, wheel throwing, Handbuilding and glazing techniques are taught. For more information visit www.raulacero.net Upcoming classes Creative expression...

Announcing Search for Executive Director I am delighted to inform you that your Board of Directors has recently approved a search for a full-time Executive Director for RAA. As you may recall this was a major recommendation of our recent Visioning Project and the Board is...

New Class Format Introduced “Introduction to Ceramics” begins Saturday, January 15, at 9:00 AM, at the Redlands Art Association Gallery, 215 East State Street. The class is taught by Kristy Bergeson and will be a four week session which may be on-going (open studio) based on sign...

January RAA Programs "Redlands the Way It Was and the Art of Jan Harvey" Tuesday, January 25 at 7:00pm One of our own, RAA member Jan Harvey is a widely exhibited and collected printmaker.  Her extensive collection of photographs of Redlands taken over many years forms the wellspring...

Special Christmas Tree Ornament Take-In – November 19 A special take-in FOR CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS ONLY, will be on Friday, November 19, during regular gallery hours (10-5). Members may bring in up to ten ornaments to hang on our tree, to sell during the holiday season...

Evening Take-in The 4-7 pm take-in crew is looking for someone to help as a regular crew member. Please give this your consideration and call either: Pat Meeker: 909-793-5988   or     Sue Weisbrod: 909-798-9080 Artist Trading Card Show and Swap [caption id="attachment_849" align="alignright" width="142" caption="Cindy Lantier: ATC - Stained...