RAA News

Opening reception:  Saturday October 8, 1-5 pmMarge Beasley was born and raised in Berkeley, CA; she moved to Redlands in 1963. After working at a local bank for fifteen years, she went on to work for Redlands Camera, where she worked for 18 years and...

And the WINNERS are:  Redlands votes: Best Film   The Treatment (Spain)   Freedom Swimmer (Australia)   Freefall (France) Best Actor   Elina Patrakka (The Blanket)  Worldwide votes: Best Film    The Treatment (Spain)   Freefall (France)   Freedom Swimmer (Australia) Best Actor   Elina Patrakka (The Blanket)  Thank you all for coming LOOK Dine-In Cinema   MANHATTAN SHORT ($35 w/ Food & Bev) Wednesday,...

Explore the "The Natural and the Supernatural" world of Tracy Spears-Graber through her watercolor and textile art. Her carefully and beautifully depicted works are inspired from fantasy and folklore. Spears-Graber has been a commercial illustrator and taught classes at RAA. She has a BFA in illustration...