
And the WINNERS are:  Redlands votes: Best Film   The Treatment (Spain)   Freedom Swimmer (Australia)   Freefall (France) Best Actor   Elina Patrakka (The Blanket)  Worldwide votes: Best Film    The Treatment (Spain)   Freefall (France)   Freedom Swimmer (Australia) Best Actor   Elina Patrakka (The Blanket)  Thank you all for coming LOOK Dine-In Cinema   MANHATTAN SHORT ($35 w/ Food & Bev) Wednesday,...

Redlands Art Association puts on a Program on the 4th Tuesday of the month, September through May. We bring you educational lectures, fun artsy topics, and instructional demonstrations. This month we're pleased to have Won tell us about pet portraits.Join us at the RAA Gallery,...

We want to showcase your artistic endeavors and achievements! Or maybe you have an announcement of an event you're involved in? If you have something to share with the art community, Submit your latest news and we'll post it! ...

This Show-in-a-Show is open to the community photographers, as well as RAA artists. Your advance notice - bring in your photography on Saturday, August 6 from 1-4 pm. Entry fee: $5 for one photo, $8 for two. 20% commission to RAA on sales. (This is an...

 Memorial Day weekend! We couldn't have asked for better weather. The attitude in the park was busy, noisy, and everyone so happy to be active again. As one of Redlands Art Association's major fundraisers, the organizers were pleased with the results of the...

Printmaker, Watercolorist, California Artist and Redlands Treasured Artist, Janet Edwards, is holding her Retirement Show at the Redlands Art Association. Sadly, she will no longer be making etchings to sell. Janet says of her art: "For over three decades I have worked primarily in the etching...