
On Thursday, August 5th, 2010 from 4:30-7 PM Artist from the RAA, vendors and merchants will be displaying their works and merchandise at the Redlands Ayres Hotel Meeting Room on 1015 West Colton , Redlands ,CA. 92374. Come see new and aspiring art work, fashion accessories...

Sign Ups sheets are in the RAA Gallery. Look for fluorescent green boards.  Two trips are planned: Sawdust Festival in Laguna Beach,  Tuesday, August 10th, meeting at 8:30 am on the post office side of the...

You may notice that our website has a new format. If you have any questions, please contact the webmaster (Candy Glendening): It was re-designed by the intrepid web design duo of Candy Glendening, the RAA newsletter editor, and Mary Weise, a new computer science graduate from the...

Wednesday June 2nd is the date for this year’s Annual Meeting and Dinner: Redlands United Church of Christ, 168 Bellevue, Redlands 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 2nd This is a potluck dinner, so bring your special dish—salad, main dish, or dessert.  Beverages and table service will be provided by RAA. This...

Art in the Park was a delightful event. The weather was unseasonably mild, and except for some windy wind on Sunday afternoon, it was perfect art viewing weather. Here are some quick pictures your intrepid newsletter editor snapped before manning her booth: [gallery link="file" columns="2"]...

RAA’s Annual Dinner Meeting will be held this year on Wednesday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm, at the Redlands United Church of Christ, 168 Bellevue Avenue. This will be our usual potluck dinner, and I speak from experience when I say the food is always...

Art-in-the-Park is shaping up to be another outstanding event!  Lots of artist signups, lots of publicity.  This year RAA will provide a central cashier station instead of each artist doing their own sales.  If you have been an artist or buyer at Art for Heaven's...

The fifth-annual Plein Air Art for Open Space Show, jointly sponsored by the Redlands Art Association and the Redlands Conservancy, is scheduled for May 2-7 in the RAA gallery. Cash prizes and ribbons will be awarded to artists. Take-in for paintings is May 1 from...

Photography Show-in-a-Show Open to the public (no membership required), photography artists are invited to show their art February 8-13.  No entry fee.   “Around the World” is the theme.  Bring in your photos on Saturday, Feb. 6 between 10 am – 5 pm.  Photos must be ready...