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Art in the Park was a delightful event. The weather was unseasonably mild, and except for some windy wind on Sunday afternoon, it was perfect art viewing weather. Here are some quick pictures your intrepid newsletter editor snapped before manning her booth: [gallery link="file" columns="2"]...

New to the RAA this summer will be a 19" x 14"  canvas tote bag available for purchase in the gallery featuring an image by one of our artists. This reusable bag continues our going green efforts of being the first downtown...

Many thanks for the new artist bios I've already received - they are now temporarily displayed in the new binder. But we need more! This is my suggested format 1st page with your studio name, contact details, and any other information your prospective buyer will...

For Sale Acrylic Card Rack Holders 3 tier - $15 4 tier - $20 Call Marge Beasley (909) 793-8742 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Free Styrofoam peanuts to any artists who might need them. Call Eva Rojas 909-717 7387...

April is here, and with it comes our always-beautiful Floral Show. I guess we just love creating flowers in our art work—how can we resist the beauty, colors and variety of all the blooms out there in the world. Whether it’s wildflowers on the hillside,...

In order to get you newsletter information as quickly as possible, your newsletter editor is adding an extra feature - an email subscription option, found in the right hand column of the online newsletter. Simply click on this envelope icon and you will be taken...

RAA’s Annual Dinner Meeting will be held this year on Wednesday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm, at the Redlands United Church of Christ, 168 Bellevue Avenue. This will be our usual potluck dinner, and I speak from experience when I say the food is always...

Art-in-the-Park is shaping up to be another outstanding event!  Lots of artist signups, lots of publicity.  This year RAA will provide a central cashier station instead of each artist doing their own sales.  If you have been an artist or buyer at Art for Heaven's...