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Committee Members Announced At the Annual Meeting, the members of the committees that keep the RAA moving along were announced: Outgoing President Judith Sparhawk (far right) with incoming officers (from left to right) Tia Shira (VP) Joan Wiley (Gallery Oversight) Gail Brownfield (President) Winnie Stephany (Treasurer) 2010-11 Members...

May is an exciting month for RAA.  Not only is the weather beautiful and flowers are blooming, but we also have ART  IN  THE  PARK!  This is such a great art show, in Smiley Park, with so many artists and their art creations on display...

Wednesday June 2nd is the date for this year’s Annual Meeting and Dinner: Redlands United Church of Christ, 168 Bellevue, Redlands 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 2nd This is a potluck dinner, so bring your special dish—salad, main dish, or dessert.  Beverages and table service will be provided by RAA. This...

Show dates: May 23 to June 12, 2010 Rhona has found more time and greater opportunity for painting since a career change in 2009.  Before that she had been widely known for over 30 years as a successful music teacher in the Inland Empire and earlier...

Art in the Park was a delightful event. The weather was unseasonably mild, and except for some windy wind on Sunday afternoon, it was perfect art viewing weather. Here are some quick pictures your intrepid newsletter editor snapped before manning her booth: [gallery link="file" columns="2"]...

New to the RAA this summer will be a 19" x 14"  canvas tote bag available for purchase in the gallery featuring an image by one of our artists. This reusable bag continues our going green efforts of being the first downtown...