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Don’t miss the Youth Art Show from Monday, Aug. 22 through Saturday, Aug. 27 at the Gallery.  Our youth art classes are proud to show off their summer camp masterpieces!  The art is fresh and open… you can see the creativity as the children explore...

Our new Executive Director, Randy Hill, will officially begin work on September 1st.  Randy is our first full-time paid employee and will be spending approximately 70% of his time coordinating our marketing and fund-raising efforts.  Much of the rest of his time will be spent...

Workshop with Joanna Mersereau Sat., September. 24, 1 to 5:30 p.m. Start collecting now for things to bring: “old” brushes (bristle, ox hair, old, soft square or round brushes) “old” palettes (plastic or acrylic-coated white cardboard, dissposble paper cups) extra fun things (fabric scraps, decorative papers, magazine photos) equipment (scissors, plastic wrap,...

Show date: July 30 - August 20 Giao Nguyen (pronounced "Yow Win") was born in Saigon, Vietnam.  Her family escaped the war-torn country and after battling pirates, having her father captured and imprisoned, and living in a hut in humid tropical Malaysia, ended up in the...

Show Dates: July 9 to July 30, 2011. Roth is exhibiting her latest photography on canvas from Myanmar and Morocco as well as framed pieces from around the world.  Patty has digitally enhanced a few to create painterly scenes.  A few framed pieces will show collages, such as...

This May's "Art in the Park" had very cool temperatures which made for a lovely show. There were lots of people roaming about, and many artworks went to new homes. The central cashier location made it easy for artists to make sales, because there was no change...

The RAA annual meeting was held Wednesday, June 1, 2011. The pot-luck dinner was well attended, there was lots of great food to eat. New officers and the entire slate of the 2011-2012 Operating committee were introduced, the complete list can be found here. Larry Harvill introduced the...

Annual Meeting The RAA annual meeting was held Wednesday, June 1, 2011. The pot-luck dinner was well attended, there was lots of great food to eat. New officers and the entire slate of the 2011-2012 Operating committee were introduced, the complete list can be found here. Larry Harvill introduced...

Evelyn Ifft will be the Featured Artist from June 25 to July 16. The title of the show is "Wacky Weavings and More". The reception will be Saturday, June 25, 2011 from 3-5 PM at the Gallery. Evelyn is primarily a watercolor artist although...

Redlands artist Janet Edwards will be the Featured Artist for three weeks at the Redlands Art Association Gallery, 215 East State Street, Redlands, beginning June 5, and continuing through June 24. An opening reception will be held in the gallery on Sunday afternoon, June 5,...