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The RAA annual meeting was held Wednesday, June 1, 2011. The pot-luck dinner was well attended, there was lots of great food to eat. New officers and the entire slate of the 2011-2012 Operating committee were introduced, the complete list can be found here. Larry Harvill introduced the...

Annual Meeting The RAA annual meeting was held Wednesday, June 1, 2011. The pot-luck dinner was well attended, there was lots of great food to eat. New officers and the entire slate of the 2011-2012 Operating committee were introduced, the complete list can be found here. Larry Harvill introduced...

Evelyn Ifft will be the Featured Artist from June 25 to July 16. The title of the show is "Wacky Weavings and More". The reception will be Saturday, June 25, 2011 from 3-5 PM at the Gallery. Evelyn is primarily a watercolor artist although...

Redlands artist Janet Edwards will be the Featured Artist for three weeks at the Redlands Art Association Gallery, 215 East State Street, Redlands, beginning June 5, and continuing through June 24. An opening reception will be held in the gallery on Sunday afternoon, June 5,...

We had a fun Annual Banquet last Wednesday evening with over 60 folks present to hear about our plans for gallery expansion.   If you missed the presentation you will be able to see some of the ideas being considered by our remodeling committee.  The idea...

Our annual meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, 2011. All members are welcome, and in fact, encouraged to attend. This pot-luck dinner will be followed by introduction of new officers and committees, introduction of our Board of Directors, a brief report from MCAEEF (our...

I began my love affair with art at an early age. At the tender age of 10 I sold my first painting of Charlie Chaplin as, “The Tramp”. Art was a big factor in my life. Whenever I could find time I would paint. I...

News from the Board of Directors At the Annual Potluck on June 1, there will be an unveiling of the remodel/addition plans for the Gallery at 215 E. State.  Your committee headed by Evelyn Ifft has been meeting for several months with Leon Armantrout and his...

Our annual meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, 2011.  All members are welcome, and in fact, encouraged to attend.  This pot-luck dinner will be followed by introduction of new officers and committees, introduction of our Board of Directors, a brief report from MCAEEF (our...

Announcing Search for Executive Director I am delighted to inform you that your Board of Directors has recently approved a search for a full-time Executive Director for RAA. As you may recall this was a major recommendation of our recent Visioning Project and the Board is...