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Imagine attending Laguna Beach High School and not studying art! The students were called "The Artists." Athene had studied under the British School system in a boarding school in North China. She also received 4 years schooling in Durban Girls' College in South Africa. Thus she...

Helen L Bell is the featured artist at the Redlands Art Association Gallery from July15th through August 4th 2012. After a double major in Art and English in college and a merit scholarship at the Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences in Savannah, Georgia the artist...

The Redlands Sister City Association is proud to receive a delegation of 5 students and 7 adults from Hino, Japan, our Sister City since February 2004. The delegation will arrive on July 25 and stay with host families for two weeks to visit several locations...

Hi everyone, Our year ended with the annual pot luck dinner on June 6. We thanked our volunteers for their untiring efforts and installed our officers and committee heads for this coming year. There was a big turn-out and the food was spectacular, as usual. Reports...

Annual RAA Potluck and Meeting Early in June, many of our members met at the annual pot luck dinner on June 6.  New officers and committee heads for next year were installed, and members of both our Board of Directors and the MCAEEF committee were introduced...

Spend the day and play with clay! Come join us for a two part workshop class. The very talented Clay Artist, 'Rich (Pops) Lopez" will instruct each student with their own unique piece of ceramic work. June 2 from  9 - 4 September 8 from 9 - noon $100 member/$110 for non...

The RAA annual pot luck dinner on will be Wednesday, June 6, at 6:00 PM. Members bring the most amazing food; family members and friends are welcome. We will install our officers and committee heads for next year, meet members of our Board of Directors....

Have you been dreaming of Paris, the City of Lights? Have your thoughts wandered to the most romantic city on earth? Have you been wondering what to do with all your vacation time. The Redlands Art Association has the answer to your questions! Join us...

8th Annual OPEN AIR ART for OPEN SPACE SHOW “Churches of Redlands” is the theme for our Plein Air Show-in-a-show, opening Monday afternoon, June 4 at the RAA Gallery.  Open Air or Plein Air, is a style of painting where the artist does the majority of...