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Time To Renew! It's that time of year, it's time to renew your RAA Membership! This year we've made it even easier to renew by adding a form to our website that allows you to type in your information and then pay for the membership with...

with Judith Sparhawk Sign-ups are being taken now for a new Artist’s Way Workshop.  This popular class is based on the bestselling book, The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron.  It is designed to unblock your creativity and to help in setting and reaching creative goals.  It...

Workshop with Marijke Terwisscha Learn about the magnificent glazes and the techniques of applying them, that are used by ceramic artist, Marijke Terwisscha. With Marijke’s guidance, you will experience using her glazes and techniques to create your own individually expressive tile. During this workshop, you will finish...

with Marijke Terwissha Ceramic artist, Marijke Terwissha will be speaking on “Glorious Glazes for Raku Firing,” at the Redlands Art Association Tuesday, January 22, at 7:00 p.m. Marijke is well known for her unique and beautifully glazed, with jewel like colors, raku fired tiles. She will be...

Tis the season to shop and eat, shop and eat, and have good times with family and friends. I am sending to you my wishes for a great holiday season. The new year brings these events, classes and workshops; hope you find some fun things...

RAA is pleased to announce Robin St. Louis, noted watercolor artist from the Palm Desert community, will be the jurist for the 44th  Multi Media Mini Show in February.  Artists are invited to enter their work – paintings, digital, sculpture, jewelry, ceramics, recycled art, fabric...

Bring your budding artists to sample a variety of styles and mediums in our Winter Art Camp! Art camp education covers design – drawing – color theory – painting – cartooning/caricature – imagery, etc. Separate classes designed for youth, ages 6* to 11 and teens, ages...

RAA is pleased to have returning art historian, Linda Zoeckler, present her lecture and slide show on French artist, Rene Lalique’s art and architectural glass. If you remember her program on Lalique’s jewelry, you know how interesting it was. During the early 1900’s, Rene Lalique was...