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A tea party to start our 50th anniversary celebrations Sunday 17th November from 3-5 pm at the gallery. It would be great if you would like to bring finger food and sandwiches. Cake will be provided. A sign up sheet will be in the gallery...

I apologize for telling you some incomplete information about the new requirements for having your art displayed in a regular show.  I have been “fully informed” and the complete details are as follows. The change in policy starting July 1, 2013, was a change from requiring...

“Clay, Fire and Smoke” with Colby Cramer Colby is enthusiastic about making creative ceramic works of art.  He is an extremely talented and exceptionally fine potter and has won many awards for his work. Colby continually explores and experiments with materials, glazes and firing techniques, becoming quite an authority.  He enjoys teaching...

Let’s celebrate the RAA’s 50th Birthday. In 2015 the RAA turns 50. Your historian has some questions for you: How long have you been a member? What do you recall of the early days? Did you know Margaret Clark and some other the other founders? Do you have photos, newspaper...

Greetings to all members and I have four special items to bring to your attention. First I would like to acknowledge all the positive response we have received over our decision to establish the paid position of Gallery Coordinator.  This is shared equally at two days...

Check out our Fall Schedule!   Sign up by calling or visiting the RAA Gallery, 215 E. State St., Redlands (909) 792-8435 THE ARTISTS WAY – with Judith Sparhawk.  Wednesdays, Sept. 18 through December 11, 7 to 9 pm. Fee: $ 105 members / $115 non-members. Based on the...

We have to brag about our Summer Art Classes - the students, their art, and our teachers.  So many visitors marveled at the art produced in the eight two-week sessions, July-Aug 2013.   Morning and afternoons, the gallery was filled with the boisterous noise of creating...