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Won Madeline Koh, known for portraying heart-warming subjects with loose, expressive style, will be a featured artist at Redlands Art Association from Nov. 20 through Dec. 30, 2013. Her works have been appeared on the book covers & illustration as well as displayed at many public places. Awards...

You're invited to start-off our 50th Year Celebration with an Afternoon Tea to honor our association's founders and longtime members.  Join us on Sunday, November 17 from 3 to 5pm at the Gallery for cookies and conversation.   For more information, call the Gallery 909-792-8435....

RAA's Tuesday, November 19 program will be featuring well-known photojournalist, Steve Walag.  He will be speaking on concepts, composition and techniques using digital cameras.  He will be pointing out elements of design in his art, as well as other photographer's art.  Then he'll show us examples...

Get 'cher calendar and make note to stop by the RAA Gallery on Sunday, November 24 for the annual Art-on-State-Street!  Over 50 member and community artists will be setting out their art for you.  The event is 9 am to 4 pm, on State Street...

Yes, you read it correctly - "simple"! In his demonstration Tuesday night, artist Richard Stergulz will show us how to compare all of the features in a face to get an accurate drawing.  Then he will show how to get the light family and the shadow...

RAA is pleased to offer a 3 week course on, "The Photographer's Eye", for students 9 years old and up.  The classes start on Monday, Oct. 14 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm at the RAA Gallery, 215 E. State St, downtown, Redlands.  The fee is...

Patty Hayden will be the Featured Artist for RAA November 2--22. Her reception for her acrylic and watercolor paintings is to be Saturday, November 9, from 7 - 9 pm. Her show will emphasize "Animals Great and Small"--animals from snails to elephants. Patty has been a...