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No July Newsletter As always, there will be no July newsletter. Any new information will continue to be posted on the website. Therefore, the next newsletter deadline will be Thursday, August 6. The easiest way to submit something for publication is the form found here on...

Welcome everyone to our new year at the Redlands Art Association. It’s the time of year when positions on the Operating Committee are filled by some new members, and others are pleased to continue. I would like to thank Gail Brownfield and Tony Radcliffe for their...

Artist for the month of August at Redlands Art Association is Edward Sotello. The dates for the show are August l through August 23, 2015. Reception will be 2 to 4 PM, Sunday, August 2, 2015. On display will be watercolors, oils, acrylics and ceramics. Mr Sotello is a...

This show will include works from featured artist, Mary Grinyer’s past and current works. Grinyer began creating watercolors at Ramona High School in Riverside, CA and has continued to create and study art. Watercolors, photography, printmaking, ceramics, assemblage, jewelry, and now lapidary arts and sculpture...

Dates of show:  June 20 to July 11, 2015 The Wild Warped Weavers will be in the featured artist corner at Redlands Art Association from June 20 until July 11.  The opening reception is on Saturday, June 20, 3 to 5 PM, with refreshments.  The public...

The Board of Directors of the Redlands Art Association announced the new officers for 2015-2016.  Larry Harvill, chairman of the board, introduced Liz Coviello and Maggie Macro as the new president and vice president respectfully, and Kris Bussard our new treasurer.  Liz, a longtime RAA...

At the annual meeting of the Redlands Art Association on June 3, Jerry Meeker, chairman of the Margaret Clark Art Education Enrichment Fund, announced RAA has given $22,795 in grants, scholarships, and awards for the 2014 fiscal year.  The funds used are generated by the...

The Art of Critiquing, with David Fairrington, acclaimed artist Refine your skills, solve framing questions, learn how to talk about art, increase your sales, and make a friend! This all happens through friendly feedback and critique hosted by the RAA. Here, David Fairrington guides group discussion and...

Program Tuesday, May 26th, @ 7:00 pm The Redlands Art Association is pleased to announce that the talented and accomplished oil painter, Martha Cowan, will present a program demonstrating the creation and execution of a small, still life painting.  As she paints, she will talk about...