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April Program Tuesday, April 24, 2018 presented  by Elin Thomas Programs are Free and open to all members of the public This program will focus on shipping, jurying and a general overview of how to choose which shows to enter and why. Anyone interested in the greater world...

What's more natural than artists painting flowers? The Gallery will be visited by the guests of the Redlands Horticultural Society during their Garden Show, the weekend of April 21 & 22.  Local florists have been invited to select an art piece or two and produce their...

Reception: Saturday May 19th 4-6pm Even as a small child I had an interest in art. I have always looked at the interesting things in the world and wondered how I might represent them with drawing or painting. I have done a little doodling with pencil...

Now that spring is firmly upon us flowers are blooming on the walls of the gallery in our latest show "Come into the Garden", which features more flowers than ever before.  A joint reception for the show was held with featured artists Ada Jarvis and...

Opening Reception in conjunction with RAA's "Celebrate Redlands" Saturday April 28th, 4 to 6 pm I am looking forward to putting together an interesting little show. Works in drawing and painting media vary from the humorous and playful “self portraits as a potted plant" and other...

Reception April 7, 5 to 7 pm The Redlands Art Association and The Friends of Caroline Park have teamed up to host a plein air art competition, “Celebrate Caroline Park”, on Saturday, April 7th. Beginning at 8 am, up to 25 artists will set up at...

Mini Art makes major impact The 49th Annual Multi-Media Mini Show, hosted by the Redlands Art Association, was on display at the Gallery and Art Center, 215 E. State Street, downtown, Redlands, February 22 through March 15. Redlands’ Mayor, Paul Foster, spoke about Art-in-Public Places at...

By the time you read this we will have changed our clocks to summertime, we will soon pass the equinox and meanwhile our experience is winter!  It has been an unusual start to the year. However, the traditions of RAA continue.  Of course, our big event...

March 27th at 7pm Cindy Jones Lantier will speak about the art of soap making . Cindy Jones Lantier, of The Eclectic Soul and Soap's On, is an experienced soap maker and educator, after creating almost 200 pounds of soap. She enjoys not only the creative aspects...

As usual our first month of the year has seen much activity in the gallery. The take-in for "Follow Your Heart" show on January 12th was also an opportunity to renew your membership.  And if you have not done that yet, please come into the...