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 Memorial Day weekend! We couldn't have asked for better weather. The attitude in the park was busy, noisy, and everyone so happy to be active again. As one of Redlands Art Association's major fundraisers, the organizers were pleased with the results of the...

Printmaker, Watercolorist, California Artist and Redlands Treasured Artist, Janet Edwards, is holding her Retirement Show at the Redlands Art Association. Sadly, she will no longer be making etchings to sell. Janet says of her art: "For over three decades I have worked primarily in the etching...

PROGRAM  Tues, April 26.  7 – 9 pm. RAA Gallery at 215 E. State St, downtown. No charge, public welcome. Art in Public Places: "Interiorem Pulchritudinem" (Latin for Inner Beauty). Installed on the corner of Vine & Cajon Streets, Civic Center side. CONVERSATION WITH DENNIS CHRISTENSEN, one...

53rd Annual MULTI MEDIA MINI SHOW  Winners     The 53rd Annual Multi-Media Mini Show, sponsored by the Redlands Art Association, will be on exhibit through March 29 at the Gallery and Art Center, 215 E. State Street, downtown, Redlands. The public is welcome to view the exhibit, no...

"A PAINTERLY APPROACH TO LANDSCAPE” Tuesday, Feb. 22   7 PM   Gallery & Art Center, 215 E. State St., downtown, Redlands Public welcome – no charge Jeannine will demonstrate/lecture on a painterly approach to landscape  from start to finish, and the use of the palette knife. Says Jeannine, "I am...

Dear Members and Patrons,  Over and over we hear how much RAA has meant to those wanting to grow as artists – people of all ages.  They thrive within the RAA community. They find a place to connect with other artists, to build their skills, and...