Author: Publicity

Patricia Rose Ford starts our Program Series with a demonstration and lecture on plein air painting on Tuesday, September 23 at 7pm at the RAA Gallery.  Free to RAA members, $3 to non-members See more under Programs....

Glass artist Wayne Sheets will be having his Featured Artist reception on Saturday, Aug. 30 from 4 to 6 pm at the RAA Gallery.  His unique fused glass art brings the desert of Lucerne Valley to Redlands.  Images of Joshua trees and his favorite, road...

Working with cooper is fun and sooo trendy.  Designed for both men and women, these classes will introduce you to the joy of working with copper. Sign up now!  You may take one or all of the classes.  Limit to 8 students per class.  Call...

   SAVE THE DATE!  MAY 24 & 25 ! SMILEY PARK WILL BECOME A GALLERY FOR RAA’S ART IN THE PARK Memorial Day weekend, May 24 & 25 from 10 am to 5 pm., will be Redlands Art Association’s semi-annual outdoor sale.   About 70 community artists and craftsmen will...

"Through a Doctor's Lens" is the title of the Featured Artist photography show with art from several Loma Linda University physicians.  Featured photographers: Tait Steven, Danny Wongworawat, Gail Stewart, Don & Resa Chase, Chelsea Cosand, Chad Burk, Jay Shah, Francis Chan, Barry Watkins,  and Lisa...

March 28th - April 18th Loma Linda University Physician Photography Exhibit - A reception will be held on Sunday, March 30th 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Featured phtographers:  Tait Stevens, Danny Wongworawat, Gail Steward, Don & Resa Chase, Chelsea Cosand, Chad Burk, Jay Shah, Francis Chan, Barry Watkins, Lisa...

GREAT NEWS FROM REDLANDS CINEMA CLASSIC Louie Schwartzberg - award-winning cinematographer, director and producer of the beautiful  documentary Wings of Life for DisneyNature (whom we met on Earth Day last year at that screening) - has created a 15 minute film short for the Spring 2014...

Weaving students of Evelyn Ifft, this group of women artists call themselves Wild Weavers.  Featuring the work of Ingrid Floren, Beverly Fly, Cheryl Frandsen, Marilyn Hempel, Vicki Hughes, Evelyn Ifft, Lynn Mudd and Tia Shira.  Their work is featured through the end of February....

A native of California, Al fell in love with watercolor, and still today can't put his paint brushes down.  Al has participated in many local art shows, and has had great success with fund raisers and sell out one many shows.  Al is a signature...

REGISTERING NOW FOR SPRING ART CAMPS Monday through Friday, March 10-15  and March 17-22.  Five 2-hour classes per week – $85 per week   9:00-11:00 am (ages 6-9*) “Multi-Media”  12:00-2:00 pm (ages 9 and up) “Multi-Media” 3:00 to 5:00 pm (ages 6 & up) “Fun with Clay” * child must be 6 years old as of 12-31-13....