Author: Publicity

SMILEY PARK WILL BECOME A GALLERY FOR RAA’S  ARTISTS AT ART-IN-THE-PARK Redlands Art Association’s artists and craftsmen will exhibit and sell their work at this annual outdoor event.  A variety of art will be featured – oils, acrylics, sculptures, watercolors, photography, weavings, hand dyed silks, etchings, glassware,...

Oohh.. Aahh!  Like fireworks, the beauty of the flower gets rave reviews from onlookers.  Redlands Art Association’s Gallery and Art Center will burst with floral art in their ART ALIVE in Redlands! exhibit during the month of April. Florists will be invited to choose a piece of...

The  Multi-Media Mini Show, hosted by the Redlands Art Association, is on display at the Gallery and Art Center, 215 E. State Street, downtown, Redlands, through March 26. The Multi Media Mini Show (MMM) is unique to Redlands.  What makes it different is, it’s a juried...

RAA’s ART-ON-STATE STREET is again joining Downtown Redlands ArtWalk  on Sunday, March 29, downtown on State Street between Orange & 6th Streets.  The two blocks of State Street between Orange and 6th Street will be closed to vehicular traffic and the artist’s wares will fill...

"My Way with Watercolor" with Ed Sotello TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, @ 7:00 P.M. Award winning artist and popular teacher, Ed Sotello, will be the guest speaker at the Redlands Art Association Gallery on Tuesday, February 17th @ 7:00 p.m.  Sotello is a man who loves life, art...

RAA members are invited to attend the 2nd Annual Tea ~ an afternoon of enjoying each other's company.  Light refreshments and tea, of course, will be served.  Sunday, January 25 from 3 to 5pm at the Gallery.  Please RSVP for you and your guests by...

Special Program at RAA Gallery and Art Center on Tue, January 27, 2015, 7pm – 8pm by Dr. Nathan Gonzalez at the Gallery.Dr. Gonzales will speak on “History vs. Memory: Redlands and the Creation/Recreation/Fabrication of a Cultural Institution. Dr. Nathan Gonzalez is Head Archivist and Curator of...

Special Program at ESRI, Tue, January 13, 2015, 5:30pm – 6:30pm.  “Indian Performance of Spanish Music in California’s Missions: Little Known, Unexpected and Unforgettable.” by Dr. James Sandos. For info and reservations:  ...

HomeStead Plein Air Session We're heading to the picturesque HomeStead property ( in Oak Glen for an afternoon of painting in the open air, Saturday January 17, 11:30 AM - 4:30 PM.  The property is beautiful and the owners have generously agreed to host us for the...

  Advance notice for special Ray Swanson Exhibition This coming January we will be holding a special one-person exhibition in the west gallery for a former RAA member Ray Swanson who was a city engineer from 1964-1974.  Ray became a famous painter of the southwest and especially...