10 Apr April 2017
Have you stopped by the gallery in the last couple of weeks? Spring fever has attacked the RAA! We are refreshing the gallery over the next few months and we started with Youth Education Art supplies cupboards which includes installation of the custom built drying rack and paper storage unit created by Maggie Macro’s husband, Joe. Suzanne Burke and helpers have been hard at work sorting out supplies and finding new homes for them all. It’s still a work in progress but the change is inspiring.
Our new show “Blooming Lovely” heralds the arrival of Annual Redlands Garden Tour the weekend after Easter and we are on the map again. Tickets are now available for sale in the gallery. This time we are combining our Opening Reception with Christine White, our current Featured Artist Opening Reception on Saturday 15th April from 2-4 pm. It’s Christine’s birthday so there will be multiple celebrations and everyone is welcome and there might even be “cake”!
Spring show season is with us. Many thanks to all the artists who kept their fingers crossed for fine weather and either participated in Art on State Street and the Downtown Art Walk or stopped by to visit on a lovely Sunday afternoon. We had a fabulous day and the weather was perfect this time. You will find many of our artists submitting work for local shows and Sandy Davies, publicity, will be sending out regular mail chimp emails with call’s for artists. Good luck to everyone with their endeavours.
Liz Coviello, RAA president