Extra Extra!

Extra Extra!

In order to get you newsletter information as quickly as possible, your newsletter editor is adding an extra feature – an email subscription option, found in the right hand column of the online newsletter. Simply click on this envelope iconRAA newsletter subscribe and you will be taken to a form to fill out with your email information. Shortly after subscribing, you will receive an email asking for you to confirm that this is something you requested – simply open the email and click on the link to confirm!

Subscribing to this list will allow the newsletter editor to email you every month as soon as the online newsletter is posted. You will still receive the (smaller) hard copy newsletter through the mail, but our online newsletter contains all the content each month, and you’ll get to see that content faster!

Rest assured, we’ll never share your email information with anyone, and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Thanks – Candy Glendening, editor of RAAnewsletter